Current Projects
If you are here because you just made a donation to our cause, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! If you are still considering a donation, check out some of the current projects that Spintronix has underway. If you're interested in seeing how far we can grow, donate to help the cause! Donations to Spintronix are always tax deductible, and you can even choose which campaign you would like your gift to be put towards. Online we can accept PayPal and any major credit/debit cards. Contact us because we can also accept cash, checks, or credit/debit cards in person!

Spintronix Studio
Ongoing push to raise funds for renovations to turn our warehouse into a local dance studio.
Floor ..................................... $25,000.00
Mirrors .................................. $10,000.00
Music System ......................... $1,200.00
Locker Rooms ........................ $3,000.00
Signage ..................................... $550.00

Weekend Camp
Monetary donations, food donations, and volunteer hours are always welcome here!
Weekend Camp Half Scholarship.. $37.50
Weekend Camp Scholarship ........ $75.00
Rental Fees.................................. $600.00
Meals .......................................... $750.00
Staff Pay....................................... TBA

SIG on the Road
Annual campaign to keep prices affordable for the SIG members.
SIG Half Scholarship....................$182.50
SIG Member Scholarship............ $365.00
MCCGA Membership.................. $600.00
Fuel for Contest Travel................ $820.00
Equipment................................... $600.00
Meals........................................... $570.00

Each "Donate" button is programmed to the minimum possible donation for your gift to be put toward each campaign. If you would like to make a smaller gift please contact us today! Smaller gifts are placed where funds are needed most immediately, and may not always be able to be used for the project that you designate. If you would like to make a larger gift you are welcome to use the "Donate" buttons multiple times or you may contact us to make a larger donation via cash, check, or card over the phone or in person.
We truly appreciate all of your support! Educational arts organizations such as ours don't grow without a strong community to back them up, and we are grateful that we have such a community not only right here at home but also all across the world!